LOL: Bootleg Edition!

The Ultimate Low-Budget Gaming Experience


Loading assets... (0%)
Loading assets... (5%)
Loading unnecessary files... (25%)
Adding bugs... (50%)
Removing useful features... (75%)
Almost there... (99%)
Error: Something went wrong. Press any key to continue. (But there’s no keyboard!)

Main Menu

Select Your Champion:

Champion Role Status Special Ability
Not-Ahri Mage Available Seduces enemies with mediocre charm.
Fake-Garen Fighter In Maintenance Spins slowly in confusion.
Budget-Lee Sin Jungler Available Misses most of his kicks.
Off-Brand-Ashe Marksman Coming Soon Shoots arrows that go nowhere.
Dollar Store Darius Tank Available Swings his axe, but it’s made of foam.
Placeholder Champion Support Glitched Crashes the game upon selection.
Super Boring Bard Support Available Can only heal in 1-second intervals.
Low-Resolution Lux Mage Available Throws pixelated light beams.
Copycat Katarina Assassin Available Throws knives that always miss.
Wimpy Warwick Fighter Available His howl is more of a whimper.
Poor-Man's Poppy Tank In Maintenance Her shield is just a cardboard cutout.


Searching for opponents... (This may take forever.)
Found 0 players online. The loneliness is real.
Attempting to connect... Oops, lost connection!
Reconnecting... Wait, nope, it’s not happening.

In-Game Store



Player Score Status
Player1 1000000 Cheating suspected.
Player2 500000 Likely fake.
Player3 300000 Probably a bot.
Player4 1500 Legitimate, but sad.
You 0 Better luck next time.

Game Over

Defeat! But was it ever possible to win?

Your final score: 0 (Don't feel bad, it’s the same for everyone.)

About LOL Bootleg Edition:

LOL Bootleg Edition is the most unofficial, unauthorized, and unpolished version of a famous game you’ll never truly play. This version comes with incomplete features, questionable content, and a guarantee of absolutely no support.

Developer: Totally Not a Legit Company, LLC.

Version: 0.0.1 Alpha (Expect frequent crashes, if it even runs.)

Disclaimer: This is a parody. Please don’t sue us. No actual gameplay or functionality is provided here, and any resemblance to real games is purely coincidental (and probably accidental).